Review Policy

We are happy to accept review copies of anything that falls within the genres mentioned below:
  • Science Fiction
  • Fantasy
  • Horror
  • Crime/Mystery/Noir
  • Bizarro
  • Western
This list does not exclude sub-genres, so if you have a Science-Fiction Western that you'd like to send for review, then go for it. Urban Fantasy is another sub-genre as well. If there are any questions regarding what we will review, then feel free to inquire.

Our preferred format currently is print only. Please e-mail me if you have concerns or questions regarding other formats.

All inquiries can be sent to the following e-mail address: scifiguysbookreview(at)gmail(dot)com or

Reviews posted to Sci-Fi Guys Book Review may also appear on GoodReads, LibraryThing, Smashwords, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble's websites.

Please Note: The submission of any piece of work whether by author, publisher, publicist, or recommendation does not necessitate, promise, or guarantee a review of any title. Period.

Please Note: Acceptance of a review copy does not guarantee a review will be published. According to the FTC all bloggers who review must disclose to the reading public whether or not the material reviewed was given as a freebie. Therefore, from here on out, all reviews on Sci-Fi Guys Book Review are from material either given as a gift, which as stated above does not necessarily grant a review, or is obtained through publishers as ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies), unless stated otherwise in individual reviews.

Please Also Note: I am (Rodney) currently a staple blogger for Seventh Star Press' Blog ( Therefore, it should be known that every review, or interview written or posted to Sci-Fi Guys is the absolute, sole opinion of myself, and that in no way does my association factor into my review of material given to me by any affiliated publisher or site, including Seventh Star Press.

~The Sci-Fi Guys

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